Happy Mommy Day

Mothers’ day is important to me. And my husband has always tried hard to make it special.

When I was pregnant with our daughter, he was incredibly sweet and bought me a mother’s day gift. I still have the note he attached written on lined journal paper telling me how happy he was that I’m the mother of his children. Every year he reminds me that he still feels that way.

This year for Mothers’ Day, the hubby bought me fancy bubble bath (and we all know I love a good bubble bath!), but the real present of the day was that he taught our daughter to say three adorable words together:


The Best “Job” in the World

How can my baby girl be almost 2? Wasn’t it just yesterday that I was getting up in the middle of the night to feed her instead of her baby brother? Now, my 3 am snuggle time is spent with our son instead of our daughter. It’s our son who’s learning how to roll over, discovering his hands and cooing when I make silly noises.

Lulu, on the other hand, seems to learn something new every day. Her vocabulary is constantly expanding, and she’s starting to put words together. Last night, I gave Lulu her bubble bath and read her a book. After saying her prayers and singing our nighttime song, I gave her a hug and laid her in bed. As I was leaving her bedroom, she said “Nigh-night. Love you. Buh-bye.”


Happy kiddos make for a happy mommy

I wish I had brought a tape recorder with us to dinner tonight. Out of nowhere, Lulu started saying the word happy. Other than mommy, dada and nana, this is really the only word that she pronounces really well.

Ha – pee. Ha – pee. Ha – pee.
