This Is the Stuff

I was catching up with a friend this morning, and she framed up my life perfectly. She said, “These are your busy years.” And she’s right.

These are the years of having three children under the age of five. Of carrying the baby in his car seat and the three-year-old on my hip. Of middle of the night accidents, and frantic shoe searches each morning. Of “please put your coat on for the umpteenth time” and it takes us 30 minutes longer that I’d like to get out the door.

But these are also the years of “snuggle me a little longer, Mama.”

Of sticky kisses and tickle fights. Of my daughter learning to sound out words in her princess books and my son fighting “bad guys” with his play sword. Of building block towers with my kids and making magical muffins. Of nursing my baby and rocking him to sleep.

There’s a song called This is the Stuff that’s basically about putting life in perspective. Part of the refrain really speaks to me these days:

This is the stuff that drives me crazy. This is the stuff that’s getting to me lately. In the middle of my little mess, I forget how big I’m blessed.

It’s easy to forget how big I’m blessed. These might be our hectic, busy years. But along with the craziness comes the joy of watching my little people grow and explore and wonder at the world around them. Yeah. This is the stuff.

What helps you keep life in perspective with your little ones?

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