Adventures in eating out with baby

I love to cook, but I’m not great about grocery shopping, so hubby and I end up eating out a lot for dinner. Last night we went to Ruby Tuesday’s. The food was great, and I love their salad bar because I can get little bits of things for the baby to eat without having to bring something along. See? This is what I’d call a totally balanced baby meal: cucumber bites, peas, edemame (minus the shell) and shredded cheese.

Anyway, we finished up dinner and I decided it was time to change the baby’s diaper. So we trotted over to the ladies’ room to take care of it. I got the wet diaper off her and was digging in the diaper bag for the tube of Boudreaux’s (yes, I use Butt Paste – hate the name but it works like a charm). When I looked back up, there was a steady stream of urine quietly soaking my child, the changing table and her clothes.
