Happy Mommy Day

Mothers’ day is important to me. And my husband has always tried hard to make it special.

When I was pregnant with our daughter, he was incredibly sweet and bought me a mother’s day gift. I still have the note he attached written on lined journal paper telling me how happy he was that I’m the mother of his children. Every year he reminds me that he still feels that way.

This year for Mothers’ Day, the hubby bought me fancy bubble bath (and we all know I love a good bubble bath!), but the real present of the day was that he taught our daughter to say three adorable words together:

“Happy – Mommy – Day”

My heart absolutely melted. Lulu was so proud of herself for saying so many words together, and I was so happy hearing them.

She doesn’t always get the order right, but it’s still pretty darn cute to hear her say “Happy Day… Mommy Day.” I think she likes seeing her daddy and me laugh because she kept saying it over and over today even though it’s not Mothers’ Day anymore.

If happiness has a sound, I think it would be my daughter saying “happy” and my son giggling. And yesterday, I was treated to a full day of both. So to all of the other mommies out there, I hope your Mothers’ Day was as happy as ours.

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Dodging Acorns
    May 16, 2012 @ 22:34:20

    awwwwww. melts the heart. My husband tried to give me my gift by having M wear it (just a fun necklace), but when she came to me to show me she said “my necklace!” bwahahahahaha! Classic.


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